I now have FreeDOS running on my 286 build. In this running post, I'll add information about incremental updates I am doing.
In the following video, I begin to experiment with FreeDOS on my system to see what works and what does not work.
I then make some minor improvements to my BIOS to support a better user experience in FreeDOS. I also run my first C++ application in FreeDOS.
In the previous video, I had an issue where FreeDOS prompts the user during boot to press a key. At this prompt, FreeDOS should automatically continue if the user does not press a key in a certain amount of time. This was not working properly on my system, as I was not yet updated the daily clock counter memory location with a system timer. In the following video, I implement system timer functionality with a W65C22S Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA).
Next Up
My top three priorities at this stage:
C++ video card library/driver.
IDE write support.
General bug fixing.
More to come...